Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Nestle rolls out zero waste pr

Nestle rolls out zero waste product dispensers

Cutting out single use plastic can be tough when it seems like everything comes wrapped in it, but Nestle is piloting a new zero waste program for their products in stores in Switzerland that hopes to cut down on plastic waste. Purina cat food and Nescafé coffee are some of the products you can Read More...

This coffee shop chain plans t

This coffee shop chain plans to become zero waste by the end of 2020

People’s strong love for coffee, combined with our western society’s throwaway culture, sends an overwhelming amount of waste to landfills, putting a serious strain on the environment. And while finding a sustainable alternative to the disposable coffee cup has proved difficult, the ultimate Read More...

KitKat’s new wrapper quits s

KitKat’s new wrapper quits single use plastic… and challenges your origami skills

Getting corporations to join the fight against single-use plastics often takes more than a desire to help the environment. It also takes economic and marketing incentives. Food and drink giant Nestlé seems to have found a strategy for reducing plastic use and increase sales: paper packaging that Read More...

Food giant Nestle unveils bio-

Food giant Nestle unveils bio-degradable wrapper for its newest snack bar

After numerous criticism from environmental activists, food and beverage giant Nestle is finally proving its commitment to tackle the plastic menace caused by its single-use plastics. The company has recently unveiled an eco-friendly wrapper for its newest snack bar range, that it claims will Read More...

Nestlé to launch plant-based

Nestlé to launch plant-based ‘incredible burger’ this spring

Capitalizing on the growing trend of trading meat for plant-based alternatives, Nestlè will release the ‘Incredible Vegan Burger’ this spring. The world’s biggest food and beverage company has come up with a veggie burger made from soy and wheat protein that might pose some stiff competition Read More...