Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Cute baby boy with laptop on white carpet.

Babies may be the key for the next generation of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is extremely valuable for basically all parts of society, allowing more efficient, accurate, and speedy decisions. For example, this AI algorithm that assesses and prioritizes patients to either the ICU or a general hospital bed, or this AI-powered robot that can sort Read More...

A quark gluon plasma after the collision of two heavy nuclei.

AI helps scientists model the big bang

The number of factors you have to consider when calculating how the big bang went down is tremendous. The key part of the story you have to model is quark-gluon plasma. This is a state where there were many tiny quantum entangled particles, which eventually reached a point of extremely high energy. Read More...

Robot with a red light on its head facing a maze.

Robots with ‘human like’ brains able to escape maze

Mazes are commonly used in psychology to assess the behavior of rats and mice. As scientists create more and more human-like robot brains, they thought it was time for the machines to have a turn. Robot vs. maze Teams from the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Max Planck Institute for Read More...