Today’s Solutions: February 12, 2025

A no-brainer: Canada has annou

A no-brainer: Canada has announced a ban on military-style assault weapons

After witnessing a mass shooting in Nova Scotia last month, Canada has instituted a nationwide ban on military-style assault weapons. The new law bans the use, purchase, sale, transportation, and import of 1,500 models of assault weapons, including the infamous AR-15.  The process to obtain a Read More...

80% of this city’s recyclabl

80% of this city’s recyclable plastic is turned into useful products

Wouldn’t it be great if recycled single-use plastic bags turned into park benches you could later sit on? Well, that’s exactly what’s happening to the plastic waste in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Roughly 80 percent of the plastic recyclables collected throughout the provincial capital Read More...