Today’s Solutions: January 16, 2025

Highfin Dragonfish

Rare highfin dragonfish spotted by MBARI researchers

Some creatures’ adaptations help them camouflage so well that, along with predators, naturalists and researchers find it hard to spot them. This is the case with the rare highfin dragonfish (Bathophilus flemingi), which researchers at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) have Read More...

Oil spill on water

Sunlight helps dissolve oil spills

In a recent study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, researchers discovered that approximately 10 percent of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico was dissolved by sunlight.  Oil can partially dissipate and dissolve in seawater through natural processes, which scientists account for. These Read More...

Ocean-exploring autonomous rob

Ocean-exploring autonomous robot is inspired by penguins

Though humans have marveled and studied the ocean for thousands of years, much of it remains a mystery to us. One of those mysteries is ocean eddies, small ocean currents that impact the planet’s climate and therefore all life on earth. What we do know is that ocean eddies are responsible for Read More...