Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Oil spill on water

Sunlight helps dissolve oil spills

In a recent study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, researchers discovered that approximately 10 percent of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico was dissolved by sunlight.  Oil can partially dissipate and dissolve in seawater through natural processes, which scientists account for. These Read More...

It turns out all that shed dog

It turns out all that shed dog fur is great for cleaning up oil spills

If you have a dog or cat, all that fur you’re constantly sweeping up around the house could be more useful than you thought! Researchers at the University of Technology Sydney have found that fur and hair products are more effective than synthetics at cleaning up oil spills on land.  The Read More...

See how this non-profit is usi

See how this non-profit is using the blockchain to clean up the Niger delta

Cleaning up the oil spills along the Niger Delta is no quick or easy task. Yet for one 501(c)(3) non-profit it's dedicated to alleviating the oil spill issues by Shell and other companies, which are impacting people's lives, through the use of the Read More...