Today’s Solutions: December 15, 2024

Capuchin monkeys Panama

Panama enacts landmark legislation giving Nature rights

Panama is among the 25 most megadiverse countries in the world. It is home to big cats like jaguars and ocelots, 6 distinct monkey species like capuchins, myriad marine and bird life, and many kinds of sloth like the pygmy sloth, who is endangered. Its mystifying array of creatures shoulders Panama Read More...

Greta Thunberg's rainforest frog.

Newly discovered rainfrog named after climate activist

While studying the local diversity of amphibians and reptiles in eastern Panama back in 2012, a group of researchers identified a new species of frog, which was then named after well-known climate activist Greta Thunberg. Leading the expedition was Konrad Mebert from the State University of Read More...

Monastery on a hill in Bhutan

This elite group of countries is already carbon negative

As the COP26 climate conference continues this week, all eyes are on countries’ plans to achieve their net-zero emissions goals. For most nations, this accomplishment is slated for 2045 or 2050, but for a select few, carbon neutrality is not on their mindsーbecause they’re already carbon Read More...

manta rays in migration

4 Latin American countries join forces to form huge marine reserve

Four Latin American countries have agreed to merge their marine reserves to form one mega-reserve that will protect one of the world’s richest regions of ocean biodiversity. The pacific-facing countries of Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, and Costa Rica announced the creation of the Eastern Tropical Read More...