Today’s Solutions: February 17, 2025

3 Strategies for building a mo

3 Strategies for building a more equitable home from sociologists

Among different-sex parents who work full time, mothers log an average of five more hours of paid and unpaid labor than fathers, which is obviously a great obstacle in our efforts to achieve marriage equality. Despite the gender equity progress we’ve made, the idea that women are “better” Read More...

7 Ways to strengthen your rela

7 Ways to strengthen your relationship in the new year

Earlier this week we talked about conversation strategies to reduce tension. If one of your goals of the new year is to strengthen your relationship, we have some tips for you from a psychology expert. Here are seven research-supported ways to strengthen your relationship this year.  Maintain Read More...

NGOs and governments join forc

NGOs and governments join forces to protect Central America’s largest forests

Mesoamerica’s five greatest forests are home to more than 7.5 percent of the planet’s biodiversity, such as the jaguar and the endangered Baird’s tapir. In an effort to ensure the protection of these lush wildlife habitats, NGOs, together with national governments and local communities, have Read More...

Dairy giant Danone teams up wi

Dairy giant Danone teams up with the UN to foster sustainable diets and food systems

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 2 - Zero Hunger - aims to eradicate hunger, achieve global food security, and promote worldwide sustainable farming practices by 2030. In an effort to bring that goal closer to fruition, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has recently Read More...