Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Algae computers

Algae powered a basic computer for over six months

Sometimes it can be pretty difficult to imagine our highly technological society coexisting with the natural world. We seem to live most of our lives entirely online, not just separated from nature, but also from physical space itself. However, scientists from the University of Cambridge have Read More...

Green sprout of a young branch of a Bush of hazel illuminated by the sun with a visible spectrum of light The concept of plant photosynthesis.

This ancient enzyme can boost photosynthesis and crop yield

Photosynthesis - turning carbon dioxide, water, and light into oxygen and sugars - is the natural process by which plants sustain themselves. It's what has allowed life to flourish on this earth by transforming the atmosphere into an oxygen-rich environment. Besides pumping out oxygen, these Read More...

Scientist pouring microalgae oil into glass receptacle

Eco-friendly algae oil could finally solve palm oil's drawbacks

From food to cosmetics, palm oil can be found in countless products today, making it the world’s most widely used vegetable oil. As you may know, though, palm oil is far from environmentally friendly. Additionally, experts have raised concerns about palm oil’s effects on our health. Soon, Read More...

Ocean carbon capture

This system takes CO2 from the air by taking it from the sea

The world over, researchers and scientists are looking for effective and economical ways to pull CO2 out of the air to mitigate the effects of climate change. There are many promising solutions out there, but the amount of CO2 that needs to be withdrawn is substantial and the process of pulling it Read More...

Man watering a Maranta Leuconeura, Fascinator Tricolor, houseplant with a plant mister bottle.

Four ways to clean your house plants

Cleaning your plants may seem trivial, but there is scientific support behind keeping your leafy friends squeaky clean. The stomata and chlorophyll of plants, which absorb carbon dioxide and help perform photosynthesis, can be clogged and blocked by dirt and dust. Cleaning your plants helps ensure Read More...

Marimo ball inside a glass container filled with water

This bio-rover is essentially driven by a marimo ball

What is marimo? Marimo is arguably one of nature’s most bizarre creations. Commonly known as algae balls or moss balls, these algae bundles are typically found on lake floors in Japan and Northern Europe. Their fuzzy spherical shape is the result of gentle currents rolling the algae over and Read More...

Device mimics photosynthesis t

Device mimics photosynthesis to convert sunlight and CO2 into clean fuel

Producing clean fuels that have a minimal carbon footprint is an arduous task as current techniques also create by-products in the process, making it difficult and expensive to filter them out. That may no longer be the case soon thanks to a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge who Read More...

Bionic leaf is 10 times better

Bionic leaf is 10 times better at photosynthesis than real plants

Plants take in carbon dioxide, water, and sunshine to create a sugary fuel. Now researchers have done the same, but even Read More...

Innovative material regenerate

Innovative material regenerates itself by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air

Scientists at MIT have developed a pioneering material that absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and uses it to restore itself. The material, which undergoes a chemical reaction similar to the process of photosynthesis in plants, could be used to make pavement that heals Read More...