Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Puerto Rico’s revolution

Puerto Rico's revolutionary community-led solar microgrid

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, the Puerto Rican municipality of Adjuntas was plunged into darkness, with no power for weeks. Despite the enormous hurdles, one business, Lucy’s Pizza, stood as a beacon of hope in the midst of the mayhem. The restaurant was powered by a noisy and Read More...

Following shut offs and hurric

Following shut offs and hurricanes, Puerto Ricans want a solar future

Puerto Ricans pay nearly twice as much for electricity as mainland Americans, yet random shut-offs and natural disasters like Hurricane Maria often leave many without power. In the wake of the hurricane, a social movement called Queremos Sol was born. Meaning “we want sun,” the movement Read More...

Tadpoles bred in Nashville cou

Tadpoles bred in Nashville could help save endangered Puerto Rico toad

The Puerto Rican crested toad is the only toad native to Puerto Rico and, in recent years, the endangered species’ population numbers have been decreasing. Currently, there are only an estimated 1,000 to 3,000 amphibians left in the wild in the Guanica State Forest in the southwest part of the Read More...

Puerto Rico passes historic 10

Puerto Rico passes historic 100% renewable energy legislation

After Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico in 2017, the island was without energy for months, making it an incredibly pain-staking process to deal with the aftermath of the tropical storm. To make sure that never happens again, Puerto Rico has passed a bill that sets the island on a path to Read More...

Puerto Rico planting 750,000 t

Puerto Rico planting 750,000 trees to defend land from natural disasters

It has been a year since one of the most devastating and deadly natural disasters of the U.S. struck Puerto Rico. This video shows how the island is taking steps to defend itself against future Read More...