Today’s Solutions: January 14, 2025


New program seeks to break the cycle between jail and homelessness

Several factors can lead to homelessness: a lack of affordable housing, high costs of living, and even, sadly, mental illness. Another factor that contributes to homelessness, which is often overlooked, is incarceration.  Many individuals serve their jail or prison sentences and cannot find Read More...


ACTV therapy model reduces recidivism for domestic abuse

There is a growing trend in the United States to reduce crime and recidivism by educating, treating, and reforming individuals rather than punishing them with harsh sentences. This takes on many forms. The First Step Act, for instance, seeks to reduce existing sentences and reincarceration through Read More...

This new approach to parole he

This new approach to parole helps reduce recidivism

Recidivism is a term that describes the tendency of previously incarcerated individuals to become reincarcerated一and it’s a huge problem in the US. America’s justice system is notoriously problematic, with criticisms ranging from a fundamental disagreement on what should be illegal to how Read More...

This nonprofit teaches former

This nonprofit teaches former felons digital media to boost job prospects

Each year, around 8,500 people in New York City are released from prison, more than half of which are rearrested within three years. Of those who have jobs a year after release, the recidivism rate drops to 31 percent. The problem, however, is that for someone who’s just gotten out of prison, Read More...

Second Chances

This restaurant is giving inmates a chance at reinventing their lives

EDWINS, which stands for “education wins”, is a restaurant in Cleveland, Ohio that is creating success for itself and for the inmates that make up the staff. Brandon Chrostowski pulled himself out of crime and is now channeling positive change by creating this restaurant. One of the Read More...

UK government to fund scheme t

UK government to fund scheme that will teach prisoners coding

Criminals who re-offend cost the UK government an estimated £15 billion each year. One of the main reasons why former prisoners return to a life of crime is because of their poor employment opportunities, which is why the British government plans on backing up a project that aims at reducing Read More...