Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

New York is removing policing

New York is removing policing from city schools

In the wake of racial justice protests last summer, many schools are rethinking the relationship between educational spaces and policing. Following the removal of armed police officers from 33 school districts around the country, New York City’s school system will follow suit and begin to remove Read More...

Connecticut passes law to make

Connecticut passes law to make all prison phone calls free

We’ve written before about the importance of restorative justice in a truly effective criminal system, and a big part of that is ensuring that incarcerated individuals have access to resources to reduce recidivism rates and reintegrate as participating members of society. In an effort to bolster Read More...

Restore Oakland brings togethe

Restore Oakland brings together design and restorative justice programs

Innovative prison systems in countries like Norway and Denmark are demonstrating the power of restorative justice for reforming our criminal systems. Restore Oakland, a center in Oakland, is adopting principles of rehabilitation and community strength to end the cycle of mass incarceration in their Read More...