Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Ancient looking street corridor in a citadel

This beautiful eco-school protects students from harsh desert heat

In the north-western Indian city of Jaisalmer, female literacy ranks below 40 percent. The staff at a new, sustainable school located in the nearby Thar desert, aims to change that. Students in the region often have to brave scorching temperatures of 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) to Read More...

Midlands National Forest combi

Midlands National Forest combines rewilding and community

The National Forest in Midlands is the first forest to be created at scale in England in 1000 years. The first tree in this rewilding initiative was planted 30 years ago and today the forest spans 200 square miles across three counties. The forest is not only home to habitat and recreation Read More...

Prevent the spread of summer c

Prevent the spread of summer colds in your home with these 5 tips

As your family may have already realized, it’s not just Covid-19 we have to worry about as we head back out into the world. A year of isolation means most of us have avoided the usual seasonal colds and flu, leaving our immune systems particularly at risk as we return to work, school, and social Read More...

This innovative school blends

This innovative school blends skills training and housing security

In Birmingham, Alabama, a new school has opened up that is teaching young men and women how to renovate homes while building generational wealth and combating blight. The school is called Build UP (Urban Prosperity) Birmingham, and it features a radically different curriculum compared to other Read More...

How to better prepare for the

How to better prepare for the online school year

When learning suddenly went online in March, many parents scrambled to make sense of the virtual classroom. Now, as we head into a mostly virtual school year once more, we have the power to be more prepared than the last go around. Here are two great strategies to be more prepared for online Read More...

This energy-neutral Dutch scho

This energy-neutral Dutch school promotes sustainability by design

What better way to teach kids about sustainability than to have them study in a school building that has embraced the concept to the maximum? In the Dutch city of Utrecht, a recently completed primary school has done exactly that. Located in Utrecht, Dutch architecture firm EVA architecten has Read More...

Avoiding College Burnout

Beating the Burnout: How to Get Back in the College Groove Without Losing Your Mind

With the start of fall semester right around the corner, college students may soon be facing an awful enemy: burnout. Burnout is that feeling of defeat, the “there’s no point in doing this anymore” and “my life is going nowhere”.  While college can be the best days of someone’s life Read More...

Oregon passes law that will al

Oregon passes law that will allow school kids to take mental health absence days

When Oregon students go back to school this year, they'll be able to take mental health days without risking an unexcused absence as the result of a new law that was proposed by a group of high schoolers. The students behind the measure say it’s meant to change the stigma around mental health Read More...

Kids in Indian town pay their

Kids in Indian town pay their tuition fees with plastic waste instead of money

Used plastic is usually seen as a waste product, but for the students of a school in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, it is no less than a means to acquire free education. As a way to make school more accessible and help clean up their local community, the primary school of Akshar began to Read More...

‘School is very oppressive

‘School is very oppressive’: why home-schooling is on the rise

Every morning Ben Mumford starts his school day with maths. At the age of 10, he is already working at GCSE level, but he doesn’t always bother to get out of his pajamas in time for the Read More...