If case you haven’t heard, “plogging” combines physical exercise and cleaning up your town and environment. It started in Sweden — “plogging” being a portmanteau of the Swedish phrase “plocka upp,” meaning to “pick up,” and jogging — and the craze has caught on around the Read More...
From underground mushroom farms to rooftop oases, the urban farming movement is hitting its stride for the betterment of the planet and city residents. In South Korea, this concept is taking root in a local metro station where startup Farm8 uses 4,240 square feet to improve food resilience and Read More...
South Korea’s population is currently aging faster than any other developed nation in the world. According to a 2016 census, roughly 14 percent of the country’s population was made up of citizens over the age of 65, amounting to 6.8 million people. And, as there’s increasing evidence about Read More...