Today’s Solutions: December 13, 2024

Chris Richardson and Carleigh Sailon with the Mental Health Center of Denver (left and right) and Spencer Lee, a Denver Health paramedic, stand in front of the Support Team Assisted Response's new van.

Denver’s unarmed 911 response team arrested no one in its first 6 months

The waves of protests in 2020 against systematic racism and police brutality led to calls for cities to change their policing systems. Beyond just discriminatory policing, a big part of the problem was that police officers were being called on to respond to non-criminal 911 calls, something they Read More...

This program is focused on imp

This program is focused on improving 911 responses to mental health issues

All too often, emergency calls related to issues of mental health are inadequately addressed by the police, instead of a specialized social care worker. But in Dallas, that’s not necessarily always the case. If you call 911 in certain neighborhoods in Dallas, a licensed specialist at the Read More...