Today’s Solutions: October 23, 2024
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Ditch the rake and discover th

Ditch the rake and discover the benefits of leaving fallen leaves in your yard

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM The annual ritual of raking and disposing of fallen leaves has been engraved into the autumn dance for generations. But, in reality, those vivid plant layers offer more than just a gorgeous backdrop. They are an important part of nature's cycle, providing Read More...

Young grass coming out of the ground

NASA technology offers full picture of regenerative agriculture benefits

As you are probably well aware by now, most current agricultural practices have a hugely detrimental effect on the environment, leading to the degradation of swathes of land across the world which would otherwise serve as a tool against climate change. The good news though, is that farmers around Read More...

Winter is coming! How to prote

Winter is coming! How to protect your garden soil over the coldest months

Warm weather is coming to an end, but that doesn’t have to be bad news for your garden soil. Over the winter months, soil can become waterlogged or compacted, especially during the wettest periods, so it’s important to keep it protected so that it’s ready for you once springtime Read More...

Newly discovered bacteria brea

Newly discovered bacteria breaks down toxic soil pollutants

All animals, including humans, host a collection of friendly bacteria that help us digest food and fight infection. Such kinds of friendly microbes are also found in soil to help plants grow, cope with stress, and fight off pests. These incredible microscopic beings are also essential to Read More...

How soil restoration will play

How soil restoration will play a critical role in the future of global food systems

What’s the secret to feeding a global population that will reach 10 billion by 2050? Earth and Space Sciences professor David R. Montgomery says soil restoration is the answer. Unfortunately, one-third of the world’s population already suffers from the effects of degraded soil caused by Read More...

Scientists in China show organ

Scientists in China show organic farm can store more carbon than it emits

Agriculture is a driving factor of global greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock alone contributes 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. The good news is that healthy soil is a carbon sink. The main technology required is affordable, readily Read More...

Down and dirty

Down and dirty

How carbon farming, the practise of putting CO2 back into the soil, can help fight global warming. Jay Walljasper| June 2008 issue Of all the potential solutions for global warming, this has to be one of the, well, most unusual: “Eat a local grass-fed burger.” Yet John Wick is entirely serious Read More...