A celestial display unfolds beneath the velvety African night sky, amidst the peace of Kenya's isolated Samburu county. It’s 1:30 AM in mid-August, and 50 enthralled individuals lie on the dry riverbed, their eyes turned heavenwards, entranced by the stars. The Milky Way arcs gracefully across Read More...
In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Smithsonian decided to commemorate great women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), academic disciplines that have historically been dominated by men by hosting Women’s Futures Month. The most eye-catching Read More...
Though the world has made some strides in gender equality, there is certainly still room for improvement, especially in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (or STEM for short). Unfortunately, women continue to be underrepresented in most STEM fields. For example, Read More...
The heart is arguably the hardest-working and most important organ in the body. Starting the moment it’s formed in the womb the heart has to keep working for the rest of our lives. What’s more daunting is that the heart can’t repair itself. Once a ventricle or aorta is damaged, the heart just Read More...
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields are not just highly lucrative and profitable fields, they are essential for the continued progress of society. That being said, every field, whether it be in STEM or the arts, benefits from a variety of minds entering their workforce. Read More...
Students who are engaged in the classroom are more likely to participate and retain more information, but what exactly keeps kids engaged? Researchers from Ohio State University surveyed 20,000 high school students across the US and discovered that education classes related to specific careers, Read More...
Are you a math person or a writing person? Right-brained or left? New research indicates that the two might be more interconnected than we might have thought. Although we often think of arts and science as opposites, it turns out the same type of creative thinking is critical for both. A new Read More...