Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024


Stanford study shows cleaner air leads to more crops

Fertile soil, good seasons, and plentiful water aren’t the only things that affect our crops. Air pollution, and one air pollutant in particular, negatively affect the number of crops we can grow.  Using satellite imaging, Stanford researchers discovered just how many nitrogen oxides affect Read More...

Oil spill on water

Sunlight helps dissolve oil spills

In a recent study of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, researchers discovered that approximately 10 percent of oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico was dissolved by sunlight.  Oil can partially dissipate and dissolve in seawater through natural processes, which scientists account for. These Read More...

Sunlight and saltwater is all

Sunlight and saltwater is all you need for this electricity-free cooling system

Researchers at Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) are working on a cooling system that requires zero electricity, something that would be highly valuable in many parts of the world that lack infrastructure but get a lot of sunlight. The team’s strategy Read More...

4 ways to keep your eyesight i

4 ways to keep your eyesight in tip-top shape

If you have perfect vision, you probably don’t worry too much about eye health. The reality, however, is that vision impairment can happen to anyone at any age. In fact, approximately 12 million people over the age of 40 in America have some level of vision impairment, according to the Centers Read More...

Scientists develop space solar

Scientists develop space solar panel that could power remote areas on Earth

Scientists at the US Department of Defense have successfully tested a solar panel capable of beaming electricity to any point on Earth from space — a milestone that could reshape the future of how we power our planet. The size of a pizza box, the technology was designed by researchers at the Read More...

Turns out painting the streets white doesn’t make cities cooler

At The Optimist Daily, we’re here to bring you solutions. It’s what we do. But when we offer solutions and they don’t pan out like expected, we recognize the importance of relaying that information. The following is one of those cases. Many cities in warmer climates have been painting Read More...

Scientists have managed to eff

Scientists have managed to efficiently separate salt from water using sunlight

As competition for freshwater resources intensifies across the world, the prospect of using technology to tackle the problem is a tempting solution. Still, water desalination is one potential solution to the need for alternative sources of freshwater, current procedures are tremendously expensive Read More...

Lighten up!

Lighten up!

Should we stay out of the summer sun? Not at all, according to a growing group of physicians. Sunlight can be good for you. Ana Karadarevic | September 2010 issue We’ve been hearing about the dangers of sun exposure for decades. Yet people still swarm to outdoor cafés, parks and beaches during Read More...