Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Man running through the park.

Four signs your body needs more vitamin D

Did you know that 42 percent of Americans meet the criteria for clinical vitamin D insufficiency? Research shows that we need at least 3,000 IU vitamin D3 each day, but how do we know if we’re getting enough? Here are four signs you may be vitamin D deficient. Bone health Vitamin D facilitates Read More...

Australia sends sunshine to Si

Australia sends sunshine to Singapore in gigantic renewable energy project

We’d venture to say that all countries hope to take on renewable energy, especially since all evidence suggests that if we don’t curb our fossil fuel use, the world will go careening into climate catastrophe. However, not all countries have access to the resources needed to make the Read More...

Why vitamin D is so important

Why vitamin D is so important for our health

We’ve all heard that vitamin D comes from the sun and is critical to our health, but how much vitamin D should you be getting and what exactly does it do to your body? Today we dive deeper into this vitamin and why it is so important for your health.  Vitamin D is actually both a vitamin and Read More...

Why you need more vitamin D in

Why you need more vitamin D in the winter and how to get it

Most of us know that vitamin D is an essential vitamin we get from sunshine, but what exactly does it do for us and how do we know if we’re getting enough? Vitamin D is made in the skin after sun exposure, but we can also get it from dietary sources such as oily fish (mackerel, tuna, and Read More...

More vitamin D = healthier blo

More vitamin D = healthier blood pressure

Good news for sun worshippers and anyone concerned about their blood pressure: a powerful new genetic analysis has found a causal link between higher vitamin D levels and lower blood pressure. Many previous studies have reported an “association” between vitamin D deficiency and high blood Read More...

Sunshine improves survival rat

Sunshine improves survival rate after cancer

We get almost all our vitamin D from the sun, and The Intelligent Optimist has long advocated moderate sun exposure to maintain healthy levels of this essential nutrient. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to a wide range of chronic health problems from allergies to osteoporosis and high blood Read More...

Sunshine is good for the heart

Sunshine is good for the heart

It is well known that high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease are more prevalent in colder climates, and that heart attacks and strokes are both more common and more severe in the winter months. Now, researchers have provided evidence of a reason why, by directly linking exposure to sunshine Read More...