Physical activity is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, as it contributes to general well-being and lifespan. However, the possibility of exercise-related injuries is frequently disregarded until it becomes a significant issue. Understanding the relationship between exercise and Read More...
Keeping regular cardio-based workout sessions in your schedule is fantastic for your overall health and well-being. However, if you’ve ever experienced a knee injury, have arthritis, or if your knee joints are simply suffering from overuse, then you’ll know that running and jogging, the Read More...
If you stroll through Paris on a warm summer day, you’ll likely see groups of sunbathers and picnickers lounging near the Seine, but you probably won’t see anyone swimming. Waste management and pollution issues have made the river too dirty to swim in, but that may change thanks to a new city Read More...
Last week we wrote about how studying elephant trunks is helping scientists build more versatile robotics. Now, a group of researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder has cracked the code on fish fins in the hopes that it will inspire similar design innovations. Fin structure Fish fins Read More...
It’s summertime and the weather is hot (in the Northern hemisphere at least), which means you’re probably itching to cool off in some water. In addition to saving you from the summer heat, it turns out that swimming actually has cognitive benefits as well. Let’s dive deeper into its brain Read More...