Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024

Mastering the art of taking br

Mastering the art of taking breaks: Striving for a stress and anxiety-free workday

"Work-related stress arises when the demands of work exceed the employee's ability to cope and perform," explains Jay Shetty, chief purpose officer of Calm, a wellness app, and author of Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day. But don't worry! We may outwit stress and Read More...

a beautiful Black woman smiles and stretches after a good rest

5 Ways to rest for renewed energy levels

What does it mean to rest well? Resting doesn’t just mean closing your eyes and hoping for the best—there are varied approaches to rest that can suit the spectrum of needs we go through daily. Read through these five different ways to rest to see which kind(s) your body is craving the most at Read More...