The capsid is the complex outer layer surrounding HIV's genetic material. It is primarily used for protection, though also plays essential roles in early stage replication and transport inside the virus. A huge hurdle in HIV research has been figuring out how this protective protein is Read More...
Living a more sustainable life is a valiant and worthwhile goal, however, following through with it is a daily challenge. As consumers, the information we need to make the most sustainable choice is often not readily available, and reading through the labels and small print is exhausting and takes Read More...
We recently discussed how mRNA technology could provide more effective vaccines for diseases like malaria. It turns out a successful malaria vaccine is coming onto the scene sooner than anticipated with the announcement that researchers have developed a single-dose formula with at least 75 percent Read More...
One of the main contributors to plastic pollution is the ubiquity of difficult-to-recycle plastic packaging such as plastic bags, milk bottles, and sachets. Because they are such a pain to recycle, most of these single-use plastics end up in landfills or waterways, polluting the environment as a Read More...