This year, if you are striving to be more considerate of wildlife while on your summer travels and hikes, but still want to enjoy, observe, and photograph the wonder and beauty our planet has to offer, there are some important things to think about. When we humans get too close to wild animals Read More...
At the Optimist Daily, we love diving into photo galleries of nature and wildlife. They’re a wonderful reminder of the precious beauty we’re trying to preserve and regenerate in our world and of the drama that plays out in nature outside our day-to-day lives. During this year’s wildlife Read More...
When we picture a zebra in our minds, we all think of the wild African horse with its eye-catching black and white stripes. You can imagine how strange it was then for photographer Frank Liu when he came across a zebra in Kenya that did not have the signature black and white stripes, but rather, a Read More...
You can be a wildlife photographer you’re entire life, and you probably won’t capture a photo as amazing as the one amateur photographer Steve Brio recently did. Sitting by a pond in Ontario, Canada, Mr. Biro spotted a bald eagle flying about. Or rather, the bald eagle spotted Read More...