Today’s Solutions: April 26, 2024

zero point field

The healing field

Living organisms constantly interact with the collective blueprint of their species' health.Tijn Touber | November 2003 issue The German doctor Frits-Albert Popp was the first to build an instrument capable of measuring photons (light carriers) and could even count them one at a … [Read more...] about The healing field

The secrets of pigeons

Rupert Sheldrake looks for answers to the inexplicable behaviours of animals -- including humans.Tijn Touber | November 2003 issue How to pigeons always manage to fly straight home, no matter where they are dropped? How do they find their way back even if they’ve been sedated and … [Read more...] about The secrets of pigeons

Water loves Mozart

Japan's Masaru Emoto demonstrates that sounds, words and even thoughts appear to have an effect on water.Tijn Touber | November 2003 issue Water has a memory and is influenced by its environment, contends Japan’s Masaru Emoto in his book ‘The Message From Water’. In the book he … [Read more...] about Water loves Mozart