Today’s Solutions: April 25, 2024

zero point field

The real secret

Hit films like The Secret serve up a strange mix of New Age nostrums and quantum physics. Yet do they really understand what science and spirituality are all about, asks a prominent physicist? Peter Russell | October 2007 issue You create your own reality. Just “think positive,” … [Read more...] about The real secret

Do the test

The following experimental exercises will help you to test your own personal relationship with the field of endless possibilities. Do not be surprised if the results are not what you expected. But you will find that your results will improve with practice. The whole idea is to … [Read more...] about Do the test

Quantum leap into adulthood

Physicist and philosopher Danah Zohar predicts that insight into the Zero Point Field could lead to a quantum leap in consciousness. | November 2003 issue In her book ‘The Quantum Society’, the American physicist and philosopher Danah Zohar concludes that the problems facing our … [Read more...] about Quantum leap into adulthood

The field of meditation

When 1% of a city's population engages in meditation the results can be surprising.Tijn Touber | November 2003 issue More than 40 studies over a period of 20 years (at 160 universities and private institutions in 27 countries) have shown that transcendental meditation (TM) not … [Read more...] about The field of meditation