Today’s Solutions: April 23, 2024

While familiarity and comfortability might feel nice, true personal growth and life lessons are often found when you step outside your comfort zone and dive into the unknown. But thinking about how to get out of your comfort zone may bring mixed feelings. It’s something you know you need to do and likely want to do, but how exactly should you go about putting it into action? The following ways to break out of your comfort zone will ease the transition from life in a safe and secure bubble to experiences you’ve long been craving but perhaps feared and avoided.

First, don’t set your expectations too high and simply try something new. Without putting too much pressure on yourself, just show up to a new challenge and see where it leads you. No expectations, just action.

Secondly, start small. All-or-nothing thinking can be a huge hindrance when you want to branch out. Instead, think of a goal you can set for yourself outside of your comfort zone and set smaller goals for meeting it—baby steps make it easier to achieve your bigger goals.

The next you have to do is change one thing at a time.  Having the courage to change one thing, even if it seems small and insignificant, can go a long way. Take a different route to work, strike up a conversation with a random person like the barista who makes your morning coffee, or try cooking a new recipe. Your brains crave novelty, no matter how big or small. The more you feed it new experiences, the easier it’ll be to expand your comfort zone.

Another important aspect of leaving your comfort zone is becoming aware of your inner critic when it’s telling you not to do something. See whether that little voice is actually right, or if it’s just your anxieties talking. Not only will this help you to speak kindly to yourself, but you’ll also build up trust in your capabilities.

Lastly, practice self-care. Facing uncertainty is challenging but it’s made easier when you’re at your best mentally and physically. Exercising, eating healthy, and connecting with loved ones are just some of the ways you can support yourself when you’re facing a daunting and unfamiliar situation. When you practice self-care, stepping out of your comfort zone will be much more enjoyable.

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