Today’s Solutions: October 13, 2024

Momentum isn’t limited to the realms of physics. It is also a feature of human experience that is often overlooked, underrecognized, and as a result, underutilized. Many of us strive for change that heightens our happiness and sense of fulfillment.

Making a change, however, is not easy. Once patterns are set, they resist being altered. We develop habits of living that do not allow for change without considerable effort and discipline. Often, we look to motivation as the exclusive means to change. 

A better way to look at it is this: Motivation is the why of change. Momentum is how.

The next time you are feeling stuck remember that your desire to get unstuck is part of momentum already present in your life. That momentum, if harnessed, can fuel powerful change. With that said, here are some ways to harness that power.

First, recognize and amplify your motivations for change. Know why you want to develop this new habit or to curb an old habit. 

Second, identify the dynamics in your life that support the problem, and then identify the dynamics that support the change you prefer.

Once you do this, focus on growing those dynamics that undermine the problem, even if they seem unrelated (Example: you might focus on preparing healthier meals for yourself in an effort to reduce your tendency to avoid having difficult conversations at work).

Last, tell the story of your adventure as it unfolds. Make this effort significant by accentuating it in your inner monologues and in social interactions where appropriate. Put all together, these steps can help you generate momentum as you work to change yourself.

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