Today’s Solutions: January 20, 2025

Skateboarding has a reputation of attracting irresponsible teens, but as the sport evolves, and even joins the Olympics, researchers and riders alike are drawing attention to the beneficial community-building power of the sport. As the country continues to reckon with the need to eradicate deep rooted racism, skateboarding has become a resource in the fight for racial justice. 

A study published by the Tony Hawk Foundation demonstrated how the sport helps build resilience among young skaters and helps them form communities across different backgrounds. Skateboarding has a long history with resistance to authority. Many areas are designed specifically to prevent skating by using pegs and sand as physical barriers. It’s not uncommon for young skaters to have run-ins with the police or security exploring new places, but for skaters of color, these conflicts are far more dangerous. 

Neftalie Williams, the co-author of the Tony Hawk Foundation study, recalls being accused of stealing a car by police while crossing a parking lot with his board. He says these encounters leave an impression on white skaters who otherwise might not see racism at work. 

Recently, skaters have organized protests for racial justice including “Bomb Hills 4 Black Lives” in San Francisco where skaters carried signs calling for police reforms and attention to black voices as they rode the city’s hills. Many skate companies have also pledged large donations to racial justice organizations. 

Sometimes catalysts for justice come from unusual sources. Coping with its own tumultuous history, skateboarding is a natural source for justice and activism movements.

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