Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

We’ve know for a while that resistance training is key to longevity and health.  In a recent study, researchers found that resistance training was effective in building lean muscle mass and slowing muscle loss in both aging women and men. The study, which came from the University of New South Wales, examined data from 30 different previous studies, specifically looking at what happens to people over 50 years of age who did regular resistance training.

Based on the data, the researchers found that resistance training can help older adults stay toned, maintain a healthy weight, and provide a number of other health benefits from increased stamina and balance to greater flexibility and bone density.

If you want to make resistance training a part of your exercise routine, follow these 3 tips.

Start with plyometric moves that don’t require equipment

There’s no need to buy expensive weights or bands in order to take part in resistant training. In fact, bodyweight exercises such as push-ups are very effective. That said, older adults might benefit more from weight machines since they control the range of movement and can reduce the risk of injury as you add more weight.

Stay consistent

Muscles get stronger over time, so it’s important to stay consistent with your resistance training. However, a common misconception is that you should do as many reps a day as you can until your muscles are sore. This is not the case. In reality, you can do just a few minutes at a time, each day, as long as you rotate through body parts and allow them to recover in between sessions. For instance, do abs on Monday, legs on Tuesday, arms on Wednesday, and back to core strength on Thursday.

Stay accountable to a group

One way to stay consistent is by keeping yourself accountable with the help of a workout group. Simply being in the presence of others who are exerting themselves is enough to help motivate you to work out harder. We recognize that it’s harder to join a group during the pandemic, but there are still plenty of online classes or outdoor exercise teams that you can consider joining to help yourself stay accountable.

Studies to explore: The Effect of Resistance Training in Women on Dynamic Strength and Muscular Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. 2020 Jun;50(6):1075-93.

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