Today’s Solutions: May 07, 2024


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

America’s top 5 renewabl

America's top 5 renewable energy companies

If we have any chance of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change, we will have to completely embrace renewable energy. The reason why is simple: Renewable energy produces little or no greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity production is over a third of U.S. GHG emissions, and the majority of Read More...

Why is corporate America picki

Why is corporate America picking wind power over solar?

Businesses are buying more wind and solar electricity than ever before to help lower their carbon footprint in offices, stores and factories. But the two sources of renewable energy are far from getting equal love from corporate America. Wind energy has long been the favorite. Businesses, not Read More...

Yes, example Las Vegas, now en

Yes, example Las Vegas, now entirely powered by renewable energy

In many ways, Las Vegas is a testimony to the extravaganza of the western world. Exaggeration is the mantra of this city, and that applies to its energy use too. That's why it's a major step forward that Las Vegas has reached the goal of 100 percent renewable energy. The city has been working on Read More...

Bringing solar to Mexicans wit

Bringing solar to Mexicans without electricity

“Can you imagine spending an entire day without electricity? Can you imagine the desperation you would feel? Can you imagine not being able to use the Internet, your cell phone, your appliances, or your lights? Now imagine living without electricity every day of your life and relying on Read More...

The Energy Department helped s

The Energy Department helped start a revolution

As the Obama administration prepares to leave office, it is seeking to underscore just how much has changed in the last eight years in the way we get energy — and to take some credit for it. Since 2008, costs for wind and solar have plunged by 40 and 60 percent, respectively, according to an Read More...

Emerging markets are deploying

Emerging markets are deploying more renewables than developed nations

Climatescope, a new report from BNEF, was released last week, and while many news outlets highlighted the finding that solar is now cheaper than wind, the report contains numbers that signal another major shift in renewable energy. The report focuses on "clean energy market Read More...

More than $5 trillion worth in

More than $5 trillion worth in investments are selling off fossil fuel assets

A look at the numbers tells us that the end of fossil fuels is nearing. On Monday, it was revealed that investors worth more than $5 trillion have now committed to dumping their fossil fuel stocks. That means that in just over a year, the value of divestment has doubled, thanks in part to the many Read More...

Global coal demand drops for s

Global coal demand drops for second year in a row

Coal demand fell in 2015 for the second year in a row and coal consumption is expected to stay below peak levels in 2016 as well, according to a new from the International Energy Agency (IEA). The IEA also said that for all  promises of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to put coal miners back to Read More...

You can paint this coating ont

You can paint this coating onto any surface to convert heat into electricity

Researchers in South Korea have created a type of paint that can capture and convert waste heat into electricity from objects of almost any shape. What they have created, is known as thermoelectric coating, and it can be painted on virtually any surface from cars to buildings in order to produce Read More...

Six places where renewable ene

Six places where renewable energy is showing how to beat fossil fuels

When the cost of renewable energy drops below the price of fossil fuels globally, the world will be able to cut off its reliance on polluting energy sources. Advancements in technology over the last few years have helped bring down the expense of renewable energy, but in most places, fossil fuels Read More...