Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024

Climate Action

What is Climate Action? Climate Action is humanity's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance our planet's resilience against climate change. From adaptation to mitigation, at The Optimist Daily you will learn about the most recent positive news stories and solutions targeting climate change and other environmental issues.

World Food Prize goes to scien

World Food Prize goes to scientist tacking climate change head on

The World Food Prize is a coveted award recognizing people who have increased the quantity, quality, and availability of food for the world. This year's winner is a scientist and former farmer Cynthia Rosenzweig, who plans to donate all her $250,000 winnings to research on climate change and Read More...

NYC E-Bike

How e-bikes are transforming New York City

New transportation technologies literally transform cities. Beyond the obvious construction of subways, the innovation of the automobile gave rise to the prevalence of suburbs, industrial areas outside of cities, and the remodeling of American streets.  We might soon see a similar change in Read More...

Europe’s largest floating so

Europe’s largest floating solar park to open in Portugal this summer

Last month we wrote about Greece unveiling Europe’s largest double-sided solar farm. Now another European country is about to claim a significant achievement in the race towards renewables: building the continent’s largest floating solar park. The solar park will be located in Portugal’s Read More...

Peruvian Amazon

How native stingless bees help maintain the rainforest and local communities

Our appreciation for pollinators has grown exponentially as we learn more about our environments and the importance of even the smallest creatures in the grander scheme of things. However, we still have much to discover about the different species and the specific roles they play. For biologist, Read More...

Green College life

7 tips for sustainable and affordable college life

For our college student readers, you might already be tired of people telling you that you are the future of our society. Well, you are, but you don’t need to wait until you’re out in the workforce to make a difference in the world.  Socially and environmentally conscious behavior can begin Read More...

Standford University against dramatic sky

Stanford’s first new school in decades is dedicated to the climate crisis

For the first time in 70 years, Stanford University is opening a new school—The Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, a school dedicated solely to studying the climate crisis. The doors of Stanford’s school of sustainability will open this fall, an event made possible by generous Read More...

Internet Speed

A microwave network could make the internet faster and more climate resilient

For many of us, our homes have become our offices, our entertainment centers, and they were even where we socialized during the Pandemic. All of this is possible to do from the comfort of our homes because of the internet, and when doing so much online, speed matters.  On paper, the internet Read More...

solar panels in desert environment

For the first time ever, California runs on 100 percent clean energy

On April 30th, just over a week ago, California—the world’s fifth-largest economy, hit an incredible milestone—On that historic Saturday, the entire state was powered by 100 percent clean energy for approximately 15 minutes, with solar power leading the charge. As reported by Electrek, the Read More...

Old native forest in Tasmania

Tasmania becomes one of the world's first carbon negative places

Tasmania has become one of the few places in the world to achieve net carbon negative emissions by cutting down logging activities, according to a new study. A "remarkable achievement" The study comes from the Australian National University (ANU) and Griffith University, where scientists have Read More...

German neighborhood

Germany makes renewable energy cheaper for households and businesses

Good news for German consumers shifting to renewable energy—they will no longer have to pay the renewables surcharge on their power bills as of July 1st, 2022.  The renewables surcharge was a necessary action that helped fund the country’s shift to renewable power over the past two decades. Read More...