Today’s Solutions: May 11, 2024


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

Children’s mental health wil

Children’s mental health will benefit from $85 million in funding

While the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone’s wellbeing, many children, in particular, have suffered from the effects of isolation and stress induced by Covid-19. In fact, since the start of the pandemic, emergency departments across the US have witnessed a proportional rise in children Read More...

These smart bandages glow when

These smart bandages glow when infection develops

Scientists in Australia have developed a bandage that glows if the wound under wraps has become infected. This means that wounds that do not develop infections will heal faster, as removing bandages to check for infections delays healing. The bandage, which is currently being developed at RMIT Read More...

BNLP connects animal agricultu

BNLP connects animal agriculture workers with more sustainable jobs

Plant-based diets are becoming more popular for a number of factors—there are plenty of health benefits to going veggie or vegan, plus the planet would benefit from less demand for meat and animal byproducts as this industry is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 emissions. However, the Read More...

This web app makes it easier f

This web app makes it easier for people to learn sign language

Two to three of every 1,000 children are born deaf or hard of hearing in the US. Though 90 percent of these kids are born to hearing parents, 72 percent of families do not sign with their deaf children. After learning about those statistics, creative studio Hello Monday decided to create a Read More...

Charlotte, NC launches peer-ru

Charlotte, NC launches peer-run alternative to psychiatric hospitalization

Following successful alternative policing programs in Denver and Newark, Charlotte, North Carolina is adopting their own resource for those in a mental health crisis. The new Retreat @ the Plaza, run by Promise Resource Network,  is a peer-run alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for those Read More...

Aiming for 10,000 steps a day?

Aiming for 10,000 steps a day? Science says fewer may be enough

You’ve probably heard that you’re supposed to log 10,000 steps a day for optimal health, but new research suggests you may not actually have to walk that much to reap the benefits of an active day. A 2019 study finds that women who average 4,400 steps per day have a lower risk of mortality Read More...

3 Tell-tale signs you should e

3 Tell-tale signs you should exercise

We’ve previously written about how to tell when your body needs a break from working out, but now we want to talk about the telltale signs that your body is craving some exercise. According to the experts, there are some signs that you can look out for that indicate that your body is in need Read More...

As Covid-19 surges again, here

As Covid-19 surges again, here’s how to handle those big emotions

Back in June it felt like the end of the pandemic was in sight, but as cases continue to rise across most of the US, feelings of hopelessness, anger, grief, and frustration are also rearing their heads once again. Covid-19 brings up big emotions, and the deja-vu nature of the latest wave following Read More...

Here’s another reason to

Here's another reason to drink water regularly—it staves off heart failure

If you need another reason to adopt healthy hydration habits, look no further—according to research presented at a European Society of Cardiology last week, regular proper hydration helps stave off heart failure. Now, the keyword here is “regular,” which means reaching and maintaining good Read More...

What are the benefits of leisu

What are the benefits of leisure? Depends on your beliefs about it

What do you like to do in your leisure time? Watch TV? Read a book? Go for a long hike? Whatever you enjoy doing in your free time, a new study from Rutgers University finds that you are more likely to reap the benefits of leisure time if you believe that it is a valuable use of your time. In Read More...