Today’s Solutions: May 02, 2024

The Optimist Living

The secret recipe behind a to-

The secret recipe behind a to-do list that works for you

For many people, the to-do list provides the foundation for a productive day. Still, there’s a difference between a to-do list that motivates you, and a to-do list that makes you feel uninspired for the day. Here’s how to creatively make a to-do list that works for Read More...

Rebalance your hormones with t

Rebalance your hormones with this 3-day diet

Millions of women experience hormonal imbalance, which can cause your body and mind to stop functioning at peak capacity. Considering that hormones are responsible for how you think, feel, and look, feeding your body a quality diet that will help balance your hormones is of utmost importance. The Read More...

How to get in better touch wit

How to get in better touch with your intuitive powers

Your intuition is essentially a sixth sense that helps your brain to process information without using conscious logical or rational processes. Rather than cobbling together different thoughts, ideas, and perceptions to reach a conclusion, intuition is a direct download of the final answer minus Read More...

Living a more minimalistic lif

Living a more minimalistic lifestyle will improve your day-to-day life

From having fewer financial burdens like debt or unnecessary expenses to decluttering your living space, living in a minimalistic way can significantly improve your life. Having less “stuff” can give you more space to breathe, think, move, create and also, connect with what you already have and Read More...

Can’t fall asleep at night?

Can’t fall asleep at night? Find out why by asking yourself these 7 questions

We all know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, but sometimes your mind works against you and doesn’t allow to you fall into a slumber—even if you’re feeling physically tired. If you’re struggling to sleep at night and can’t understand why, asking yourself these 7 questions Read More...

Why taking away your childR

Why taking away your child's screen time won't improve their behavior

Controlling your child’s behavior is a difficult parenting task. Although using that one thing you can give or take away as a reward and punishment technique can be effective, it can also backfire--especially when it comes to taking away screen time. If you want to improve your child's behavior, Read More...

Substitute red meat with these

Substitute red meat with these 6 healthier protein-rich alternatives

Having a moderate intake of protein in your daily diet is essential because it helps you feel full and build muscle. The only problem is people often turn to red meat as their main source of protein, which, in excessive amounts, can have serious effects on your health. Here’s a list of Read More...

Why the winter months are a pe

Why the winter months are a perfect time to focus on energy and renewal

Once the holidays are well behind us, it can be easy to fall back into our usual patterns and get stuck. Instead, now’s the perfect time to take advantage of a great human gift: adaptability. Your body’s biorhythms adapt to the seasons, and by attending to these biorhythms consciously, you can Read More...

Six tips to make your resume s

Six tips to make your resume stand out this year

A resume is an essential part of any job search and a great way to communicate your story, but the process of creating one can be very daunting. Laying out a resume that stands out is an important task as employers don’t take much time to thoroughly look over each resume. From choosing the right Read More...

How to ensure that your liver

How to ensure that your liver is doing its job properly

Do you feel consistently groggy? Have seasonal allergies or itchy skin? If you find yourself feeling less vital than you used to, you may be suffering from sub-optimal liver function. Ensuring that your liver is in good health and not overloaded with chemicals can help your body prevent a great Read More...