Today’s Solutions: February 09, 2025

Could injectable treatments he

Could injectable treatments help California's homeless mental health patients? 

In the ongoing fight against California's interwoven homelessness and mental health crises, a novel tool is showing promise: long-acting injectable drugs. These monthly doses, which treat severe mental diseases such as schizophrenia, are having a huge impact on some of the state's most vulnerable Read More...

Riverbottoms and Rainforests:

Riverbottoms and Rainforests: Emissaries making an Impact

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead BY AMELIA BUCKLEY Before the pandemic hit, Karin Muller had planned to roadtrip the United States to feature unsung heroes working in their Read More...

California designates 300 stat

California designates 300 state buildings to house homeless

California Governor Gavin Newsom made addressing homelessness a key issue of his campaign. Last month, he dedicated his State of the State address to the issue with a plan to allocate 286 state properties for use as homeless shelters.  This plan builds on his previously proposed plan of Read More...