Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Thought Leader Series: A lette

Thought Leader Series: A letter to the class of 2020

You have graduated from college, now what? This question looms large for the class of 2020 as they face a global pandemic, few jobs, and a shaky political climate. In this week’s Thought Leader Series, The Optimist Daily founding impact investor Rinaldo Brutoco pens a letter of support to the Read More...

Navigating the job market duri

Navigating the job market during COVID-19 as a recent grad

Monday, on our Optimist Daily Update podcast, we discussed the implications for the class of 2020 as they graduate in the world of COVID-19. Graduating during the uncertain social and economic conditions of a pandemic is difficult, but these tips will help you with your job search.  Look Read More...