BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Every day on the Optimist Daily, we report on solutions from around the world. Though we love solutions big and small, it is often the ones right in our communities that make the largest impact. Today we are thrilled to present to you the second round of Read More...
SECORE International, an organization dedicated to preserving coral reefs for future generations, is at the forefront of coral restoration initiatives. SECORE, founded on the premise of "SExual COral REproduction," pioneered the novel concept of "Coral Seeding." This ground-breaking strategy Read More...
Healthy coral reefs emanate a remarkable soundscape, acting as a signaling mechanism for juvenile fish who are looking for a place to settle. When reefs fade away, this rich soundscape becomes a silent dessert, depriving the dying corals of the chance to ever regenerate. As scientists are Read More...
In the wake of the global climate crisis and the acidification of oceans due to rising temperatures, coral reefs around the world and their ecologically diverse inhabitants have been drastically affected. Particularly, fish living among or in close relation to coral reefs who often use the reefs to Read More...