Today’s Solutions: February 15, 2025


8 benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning

Even if your morning routine is already jam-packed, we have one tiny thing we suggest you add to that routine: drinking a cup of lemon water. For something that hardly takes any effort to do, it’s amazing just how many ways a bit of lemon water in the morning can make you healthier. Below, Read More...

Cone snail shows its snout and eye as it makes its way across a reef.

Deep sea snail venom lessens pain as well as morphine

Because Asprella cone snails reside at such great depths, scientists have not thoroughly studied them. Now we know, though, that these creatures have an impressive hunting strategery where they use their venom to stun and disorient fish. Then they feast upon the unfortunate fish, like a gory scene Read More...

These are some of the surprisi

These are some of the surprising benefits of acupuncture

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is the Chinese medicine practice of placing needles in the skin to promote healthier energy, or chi or qi, flow throughout the body. Acupuncture is used for a wide variety of reasons from stress management to chronic pain management. Although it has its roots in Read More...

6 reasons to add broccoli to y

6 reasons to add broccoli to your next meal

Most of us dreaded eating broccoli as children, but now that we’re a bit older, we’re realizing that this versatile veggie makes the perfect addition to a whole range of dishes. What’s more, it’s also full of healthy nutrients to fuel your body. Here are a few reasons why you should add Read More...

Craving a sweet treat? Dates o

Craving a sweet treat? Dates offer these 7 health benefits

Building healthy eating habits can be tough if you’ve got a sweet tooth, but fortunately, naturally-sweet options like fruit can serve as satisfying substitutes. One great option for a healthy sweet treat are dates. These little sugar bombs are nature’s candy, but with way more nutritional Read More...

‘It’s not about what you e

‘It’s not about what you eat or how much, rather it is about when you eat’

More and more research shows the beneficial effects of intermittent fasting: limiting the hours of the day that you consume food and giving your body more hours for Read More...