Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Engraved low water markings, also known as hunger markings. Recent record low year 2018 is still visible.

Hunger stones, dino tracks, and lost cities; discoveries exposed by drought

The severe droughts that are plaguing many parts of the world are altering life as we know it. Even though the climate crisis and the warming planet may end our civilization, the silver lining is that it's led to the resurfacing of archaeological treasures that may have remained secret Read More...


Redwoods grow new leaves to adapt to drought

We’re doing a lot to adapt to climate change, from creating tree cities and sponge cities to speeding up the schedule for renewable energy. As it turns out, though, humans aren’t the only ones getting ready and adapting to a changing climate.  California’s iconic redwoods have started Read More...

Art Changes Minds by changing hearts

Tapping the creative force, art changes minds in a changing climate

“The arts matter because we matter, and our stories matter. We are moving miracles, walking creators engaging in a cosmic dance. The art we express is timeless.” –Mohammed Sheriff, Division Coordinator at the National Endowment for the Arts (USA) By Oliver Kammeyer At The Optimist Read More...

Endangered salmon returns to C

Endangered salmon returns to California streams after abundant rains

After one of the driest years in recent memory, the heavy rains that flooded California in late 2021 were welcomed by farmers, urban planners, and a much-awaited guest — the endangered coho salmon. “We’ve seen fish in places that they haven’t been for almost 25 years,” said Preston Read More...

Rain storms bring life back to

Rain storms bring life back to New South Wales after years of drought

Many regions of New South Wales have recorded more than 300mm of rain so far this year, surpassing rainfall totals of 2018 and 2019. After a year of devastating wildfires across Australia, the rain is bringing beautiful blooms and hopeful new growth to the area. Farmers in the region are Read More...

Wombats are accidentally savin

Wombats are accidentally saving other animals from drought by digging waterholes

Alongside wildfires, the drought in Australia has claimed vast portions of land across the southeast of the country, making it extremely difficult for animals in the region to find water. But in these times of crisis, wombats have come out as accidental heroes, as the marsupials have been Read More...

Toilet-to-tap-water policy inc

Toilet-to-tap-water policy inching closer to a realistic plan in parched California

California’s aquifers and reservoirs are being drained as the state suffers through its fourth year of drought. Regulators recently started working on the permitting framework for seawater desalination projects. Simultaneously, California water managers and environmentalists are urging adoption Read More...

Indigenous crops to provide fo

Indigenous crops to provide food security in the dry American Southwest

The plight of Native people losing their way of life, including their agricultural know-how, and adopting the cheap diet provided by the food industry, is a well-documented story. The debilitating diabetes epidemic that afflicts these communities compounds poverty and food insecurity. Rebuilding Read More...

Agroecology, the science for f

Agroecology, the science for food security on a warming planet

UN Special Rapporteur for Food Olivier De Schutter first put agroecology in the public eye with his 2011 groundbreaking report on Agroecology and the Right to Food. Defined as "the integrative study and practice of the ecology of the entire food system, encompassing ecological, economic and social Read More...

The sharing economy inspires a

The sharing economy inspires a new water conservation model in California

California is well into its fourth consecutive year of drought. Governor Jerry Brown called for the state's first mandatory water restrictions just last week, while acknowledging that "there's been fairly inadequate conservation so far.” Groundwater management regulation, which came into effect Read More...