It seems it would be simple to respect and protect others' basic human rights, however, there are many situations where a lack of education breaks these vital liberties. This is why postcards covering five rights protected by the Human Rights Act are currently being circulated through England, Read More...
Here at The Optimist Daily, we are all about empowerment. Whether it’s through societal, financial, or physical means, hearing these stories are important to inspire our own. That is why this Valentine’s Week, we wanted to share with you this interesting take on sexual empowerment and the Read More...
Thanks to advances in infrared photography, scientists are just beginning to learn about the significance and history of the age-old human practice of ornamenting ourselves with ink. These discoveries are allowing modern-day communities to recover aspects of their Indigenous cultures that have been Read More...
Many cities have embraced expanded bike infrastructure as a green transportation solution which also allows people to safely get outside during the pandemic. Bike popularity has skyrocketed over the last year and for many communities, bicycles are also a vehicle for empowerment and Read More...
A few months ago we hosted a webinar on managing emotional inflammation, specifically in the context of climate anxiety. In a world where climate news can be overwhelming, if not downright depressing, it can be hard to find the motivation to pursue climate action. If you feel like your own Read More...
Climate change is displacing populations and livelihoods. According to the United Nations, 80 percent of people displaced by climate change are women. When climate change wreaks havoc on low-income communities, women are less well-equipped to manage these crises due to cultural barriers, gender Read More...
In Jackson, Wyoming, a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse exists that is cranking out roughly 100,000 pounds of produce each year using only one-tenth of an acre of land. That alone is absolutely worth a story, but what makes the greenhouse even more newsworthy is that the 34 employees who work Read More...
In many rural parts of the world, people do not have access to any bathroom facilities and therefore must use makeshift bathrooms that are at risk of contaminating the soil or local watershed, which also leave them at risk. That’s why Jenifer Colpas designed a unique toilet that is more than just Read More...