Today’s Solutions: January 18, 2025

Gift of Adoption celebrates 5,

Gift of Adoption celebrates 5,000th child’s forever home since its inception

Last month, the Gift of Adoption Fund, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting families in completing adoptions for children in difficult circumstances, celebrated an iconic event. Since its foundation in 1996, the charity has successfully matched 5,000 children with loving Read More...

Celebrate and honor your herit

Celebrate and honor your heritage by preserving family recipes

Montreal sisters Helen and Billie Bitzas were struggling with a challenge that is likely not unfamiliar to many first-generation immigrants: recreating their parents’ traditional dishes in their own kitchens. Every time they attempted to pull together one of their family’s time-honored Greek Read More...

5 Evidence-backed ways to feel

5 Evidence-backed ways to feel happier in hard times

As coronavirus pandemic trudges onward to a backdrop of political antics, you may be finding yourself looking at the post-pandemic future as a time where happiness can be experienced again. But there’s a problem with deferring happiness to the future—after all, all we got is the present. Read More...