Today’s Solutions: February 10, 2025

Mother-daughter duo opens firs

Mother-daughter duo opens first menstrual hub in the US

Back in 2012, Lynette Medley founded a nonprofit sexuality awareness and a consultative organization called No More Secrets: Mind, Body, Spirit. Her goal was to cover topics such as consent, bodily autonomy, and navigating healthy relationships. Through this work, she realized that many of the Read More...

How brands and non-profits can

How brands and non-profits can destigmatize menstruation

Before the pandemic, “period poverty” was already an issue. Over the course of the pandemic, due to job instability and income loss, the problem of period poverty has been exacerbated. A UK-based non-profit that supplies period products to the underprivileged called Bloody Good Period Read More...

Irish grocery chain now offers

Irish grocery chain now offers free menstrual products to all

Shoppers in Ireland will soon be able to access free menstrual products in grocery stores across the country. Lidl, one of Ireland’s largest grocery outlets, has announced a partnership with Homeless Period Ireland and The Simon Communities of Ireland to offer free menstrual products in all its Read More...

Scotland becomes first country

Scotland becomes first country to make period products free for all

Scotland is making history in public health as it becomes the first country in the world to make period products free to anyone who needs them. The Scottish Parliament unanimously passed the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill last week to ensure that menstrual products are free and Read More...