Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025


How to keep your garden snake-free

We decided to dust off this older story which offers some great solutions.  In many parts of the world, the summer is also snake season, and now is the time to be wary. There are plenty of different kinds of snakes. Some are harmless and actually help out their hosts by providing free pest Read More...

Ladybug eating an aphid on a plant

A guide to the bugs eating your garden plants

The summer garden season is in full swing, but finding crawling critters and hole-filled leaves among your delicious produce can dampen your harvest season. If pests are eating away at your garden goods, here’s a guide on how to identify and banish those unwanted bugs.  First of all, the Read More...

Senior man holding watering and care plant in his garden.

Feeling restless? Here’s how to channel that into something good

Whether you’ve got something major on your mind or you’ve eaten too much sugar, sometimes it simply feels impossible to sit still. You may be familiar with the feelings: anxious, antsy feet, jittery body, crawling skin, general unease, or quickening breath. This overwhelming energy can be very Read More...

child happily holding home-grown vegetables

The climate victory garden movement is springing up all over America

A lot of people picked up vegetable gardening as a pandemic pastime, but what started as a casual time (and tummy) filler has become a mainstay for many Americans. According to Green America, an organization focused on encouraging people to grow their own food to fight climate change, offset Read More...

Watering garden

How to help the ocean from anywhere

We all have one big thing in common these days: the changing climate. We are all united by this because it will affect all of us, be it in the form of winter storms, drought, or sea-level rise. The good news is that we can all affect the climate too, in a positive way. Even living in the Midwest, Read More...

Man watering a Maranta Leuconeura, Fascinator Tricolor, houseplant with a plant mister bottle.

Four ways to clean your house plants

Cleaning your plants may seem trivial, but there is scientific support behind keeping your leafy friends squeaky clean. The stomata and chlorophyll of plants, which absorb carbon dioxide and help perform photosynthesis, can be clogged and blocked by dirt and dust. Cleaning your plants helps ensure Read More...

Reusing items for a zero-waste garden

Make your green thumb even greener by cultivating a zero-waste garden

If the thought that’s keeping you warm through these winter months is looking forward to getting back into your garden, you're surely not alone. We’ve shared many stories that tout the benefits of gardening, not only for the gardeners’ overall health but for the health of our natural Read More...

Cook putting food scraps into a compost pile

So your compost has mold? What it means and what to do about it

So you’ve set up a functioning compost system in your backyard. First things first, congratulations! But how do you know if your compost is healthy and thriving? Mold and fungi are actually a sign of a functioning compost pile, but not all kinds of mold are good. Check out the list below to Read More...

A guide to growing a garden to

A guide to growing a garden to feed your whole family

Planting a garden is a great way to source delicious fresh produce, get outside more, and even boost your health, but on a more practical level, if you’re smart about planting your garden, you can feed your family and really save some money. Here’s how to grow a garden to feed your whole Read More...

Got leaves? 3 Eco-friendly way

Got leaves? 3 Eco-friendly ways to put them to good use

Beautiful changing leaves are one of autumn’s greatest gifts, but raking those leaves up once they hit the ground is not as fun. However, these raked leaves hold underappreciated benefits. Rather than sending them to the green waste can this year, put them to good use with these three strategies Read More...