Scientists at LanzaTech in Illinois have engineered some exciting new bacteria that actually transform carbon dioxide into ethanol and isopropanol, compounds used in paint remover and hand sanitizer. Michael Köpke and his colleagues went on a hunt for strains of the ethanol-producing bacterium, Read More...
Hand sanitizer greets us at the entrance of gyms, convenience stores, offices, and has become the centerpiece of tables at restaurants. It’s become an essential accessory that everyone wants to have on hand (no pun intended) and is even more important as we head out in public more often. While Read More...
Overnight, hand sanitizer has become an essential part of our personal-care routines, but the packaging it typically comes in is exponentially contributing to the global plastic crisis. Looking for a solution, one company decided to disrupt this polluting trend with a new hand sanitizer that Read More...
By now you must surely be aware that washing your hands clean is necessary to keep you and others protected during the pandemic. You’ve also probably gone through a bottle or two of Purell, and feel a bit tired of buying more expensive hand sanitizers. The good news is you can make your own hand Read More...