Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

Orange monarch butterfly on orange cosmos flowers.

Monarch butterflies are bouncing back

The number of monarch butterflies across North America has long been thought to be declining. Previously, scientists have thoroughly researched the winter behavior of these insects which led to this unfortunate conclusion. Therefore, even though no studies have been carried out on monarch Read More...

5 Tips to control ticks this s

5 Tips to control ticks this spring and summer, according to the experts

Summertime is the peak season for many bugs and while mosquitos can be irritating, other insects carry even more risks. Ticks, for instance, carry pathogens like Lyme disease that are harmful to humans. Plus, they’re so small that you might not even notice that you’ve been harboring a Read More...

3D knitted crop cover protects plants from a wide range of insects

This innovative mesh fabric protects crops from even the tiniest insects

Farmers who don’t use insecticides sometimes opt for mesh fabric instead to protect their crops from annoying pests. To make sure that enough sunlight and water reach the crops, the farmers often use meshes with relatively large holes that smaller insects can slip through to get to crops. Thanks Read More...

White gerbera under UV light.

"Invisible" UV bull's-eye is vital in attracting pollinators to flowers

Here at The Optimist Daily, we hold a special tenderness in our hearts for our planet's pollinators. Mini-beasts, like bees and butterflies, have the integral role of spreading pollen from plant-to-plant facilitating their reproduction. In return, the plants provide the insects with the delicious Read More...

An ant standing on a green leaf, from up close

Ants can detect cancer as well as sniffer dogs

A proof-of-concept study from scientists in France has recently demonstrated something fascinating: the ability of ants to sniff out cancer cells. The research results provide proof that a particular species of ant, Formica fusca, can be quickly trained to detect cancerous cells with the same Read More...

Bowl full of gummy bears on the table

These yummy-looking gummy bears are made from locusts

According to the United Nations, there are over 1,900 edible insect species worldwide, and eating more of them could help mitigate climate change, as well as fight global food insecurity. Working towards that goal, an Israeli company has been keeping busy making an infamous insect a key ingredient Read More...

Monarch butterfly feeding on milkweed

Monarch butterflies return to California after historic low

As a result of global warming, habitat loss, and food scarcity, the wintering population of the orange and black Western monarch butterfly along California’s central coast declined considerably in 2020. Conservationists recorded about 2,000 individuals, a number that pales in comparison to the Read More...

New fabulous fly species named

New fabulous fly species named after "Drag Race" host RuPaul

Australian scientist Bryan Lessard, otherwise known as “Bry the Fly Guy,” has discovered a new flashy rainbow fly species and named it after RuPaul, the famous “Drag Race” host, with the hope that it would serve as a positive signal for young LGBTQ individuals who are drawn to Read More...

This unusual greenhouse in Fra

This unusual greenhouse in France is growing insects instead of vegetables

Though it may look like a normal hothouse that grows vegetables, the Savéol experimental greenhouse in Brittany boasts a very different kind of crop — insects. The goal? To breed plant-friendly invertebrates that can enable farmers to produce pesticide-free tomatoes. From bumblebees to wasps Read More...

Citizen scientists step up to

Citizen scientists step up to track cicada rising

Citizen science has been booming during the pandemic as curious adventurers seek out new ways to get involved in their local natural environment. As billions of cicadas rise up after their 17-year slumber, teams of citizen scientists are taking on the task of mapping their path and prevalence Read More...