Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

The science behind the top 2 p

The science behind the top 2 personality traits people look for in romantic partners

In a world dominated by superficial characteristics, a recent study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior offers a novel viewpoint on love preferences. Brazilian researchers undertook a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics that people emphasize when choosing a spouse. According to Read More...

What is “weaponized kindness

What is “weaponized kindness” and how can you protect your relationship from it?

In the delicate dance of love, kindness often serves as the melody that orchestrates harmony between couples. From modest gestures like morning coffees to large acts of devotion, these manifestations of love can strengthen bonds and build intimacy. Despite the ebb and flow of relationships, a Read More...

KINDNESS word concept

More reasons to become a RAKtivist? Being kind to others also benefits the self

"Random Acts of Kindness" Day may be on a Friday this year, but the organization behind it hopes to remind you that being nice is an everyday endeavor. Of course, being kind to people regularly is simply a great thing to do. However, research shows that those who help others reap a lot of Read More...

Person holding takeaway coffee cup in both hands, one is a single use paper cup with plastic lid the other one is a reusable stainless tumbler.

9 random acts of kindness you can do daily

Research tells us that when we do something kind for someone else, we feel more compassionate, energetic, and happier overall. Typically, when we think of an act of kindness, we think of things like holding the door for someone or donating money to charity. But there are so many little acts of Read More...

young beautiful Black woman smiles and looks away against blue brick backdrop

Attract more positivity to your life with these 5 daily habits

When Tyler Beaty lost his job after nearly a decade, people often told him to “think positive.” He tried but found it did little to change his attitude. It wasn’t until Beaty took some time for deep self-evaluation and realized that many of his habits were feeding negativity into his life Read More...

Hand draws planet Earth with multicolored felt-tip pens on on a blue background.

World Happiness Report shines a light in dark times

The past few years have been incredibly challenging for the world, though it turns out we’re doing better than you might think!  According to an international research project, levels of social support and benevolence actually increased in this difficult time. This year is the 10th Read More...

Boy giving white and yellow flowers to elderly woman.

Findings from largest public study on kindness

Kindness can turn a bad day into a great one in a matter of seconds. We all hold the power to give the gift of kindness within us, whether that's giving someone your full attention in a conversation or just simply smiling at a stranger on the street, these little gestures can mean a lot. As a Read More...

Teacher with students

Children learn better when they bond with their teachers

Most of us can remember at least one teacher who changed our lives for the better, guiding us on the path to our true passion or maybe just making us feel heard at a hard time. Chances are that this life-changing teacher wasn’t a stern disciplinarian and instead showed us kindness and trust. This Read More...

10 Ways to speak to yourself w

10 Ways to speak to yourself with compassion

Self-compassion is a critical component of mental health, but in a world where we are often our own harshest critics, this can be difficult. Keeping some compassion-centered phrases on hand will make it easier to shift your perspective when you catch yourself being too harsh. Here are 10 from Read More...

Write a self-compassion letter

Write a self-compassion letter to boost your happiness

You might be aware of the mental health benefits of keeping a gratitude journal. But there’s also another, bite-sized practice that you can take up to improve your wellbeing: writing a self-compassion letter. According to Kristin Neff, an associate professor in human development at the Read More...