Marta Cinta González Saldaa, a former exquisite ballerina, finds peace in the melodies of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake during the calm moments of her day. Despite the grasp of dementia, her hands follow the rhythm, and her spirit rises with the music for a brief moment. This touching moment, filmed in Read More...
Music is woven into the very fabric of human evolution — some experts even surmise that it's likely humans sang before we spoke. Music plays an essential communicative role even today. It connects us with others, with our own emotions, and ultimately it lays the groundwork for our highly Read More...
Music is a powerful tool. It can manipulate our emotions, stir up memories, and even transform our mood. The healing power of music has been talked about as far back as Aristotle and Pythagoras, but now, formal medical research is finding validated connections between music and physical and Read More...
While advances in neonatal medicine have increased the chance of survival of premature babies, these children still remain at high risk of developing brain development disorders. This is because the vast majority of neural growth for a baby occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy. When this Read More...