Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Google Maps unveils new update

Google Maps unveils new updates to help you travel safely in COVID-19 era

Even though lockdown orders are being eased, we still want to carry on living safely by avoiding close contact with too many people. That’s why Google has rolled out two new features for its Maps app meant to help users get around safely in the time of COVID-19, according to a new post on the Read More...

Deaf people can now summon on-

Deaf people can now summon on-demand ASL interpreters thanks to this app

For someone who is deaf, communicating with a clerk at a retail store or non-ASL-speaking friend over dinner often involves laboriously writing notes. An app called Jeenie offers an alternative: Push a button, and a live ASL interpreter appears in a video call. The app previously offered live Read More...

This app let’s women turn th

This app let’s women turn their homes into intimate off-line gathering spaces

There’s a new way to make a little extra income on your property—and it’s not Airbnb. The platform we’re talking about is called Quilt, and it’s an app-based community that allows women to open their homes for intimate, offline gatherings, whether it’s co-working, conversation, or Read More...

New smartphone app can find ou

New smartphone app can find out whether or not its users are depressed

A startup in California is trying to use our obsession with the technology in our pockets to treat depression. When a patient installs the startup's app, it monitors things like the way the person types, taps, scrolls while using other apps. These seemingly mundane interactions with your phone can Read More...