Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024
Home » noise

Crowded room full of people.

How we recognize one voice in a noisy crowd

Whether we’re at a busy restaurant, birthday party, or on public transport, sometimes our brain needs to focus on a single speaker amongst a multitude of background noise. A group of scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center, wanted to see exactly how our incredible organ Read More...

These electric cars make a hum

These electric cars make a humming noise to help pedestrians - and the surrounding flora

Within the next two years, the US and Europe will require all new electric and hybrid vehicles to emit noise in order for pedestrians to hear them coming. But automakers and regulators are still not settled on what that noise should sound like. In a search for the best one, Ayax — an independent Read More...

Revving a noisy engine could s

Revving a noisy engine could soon get you in trouble in Paris

Parisians with powerful cars might want to think carefully before showing off their rides. Parts of the city (most recently the suburb of Villeneuve-le-Roi) are testing a "noise radar" system from Bruitparif that can pinpoint loud vehicles and, eventually, ticket them. The system uses four Read More...

Quiet, please!

Quiet, please!

Noise pollution can damage your health and shatter your peace of mind. Here’s how to turn it down. Mary Desmond Pinkowish | July 2008 issue A leaf blower, snow blower, lawn mower and two huge dogs—Peter D’Epiro can describe in excruciating detail how his neighbour’s lawn equipment and pets Read More...

Soft machines

Soft machines

New technologies can help lessen the sonic impact of generating and consuming energy. Marc van Dinther | July 2008 issue Just name the noise, and chances are someone somewhere has launched a campaign to tone it down. Don't like the sound of lawn mowers? Call in the California firm Goats R Us, Read More...