Today’s Solutions: December 11, 2024
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New satellite weather

This newly launched satellite will improve weather tracking

You may get tired of hearing it, but knowledge is useful. It’s something we at The Optimist Daily try to empower you with every day, and it is something NASA understands the value of in plotting our climate-related future. That’s why the GOES-T Satellite’s launch last Tuesday is so Read More...

Photograph of the milky way.

Mapping out the Milky Way’s snacks gives clues into dark matter

In our galaxy’s galactic halo, there are 12 streams of stars orbiting. These burning balls of gas are actually being torn apart and their energy is absorbed into the Milky Way. In other words, they are the galaxy’s food source. Using the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT), a team has finally got Read More...

Hot Jupiter class exoplanet, orbiting around its designated star.

Scientists discover a peculiar new planet

Deep into the Hercules constellation, 855 light-years away from Earth, lies a record breaking exoplanet. This newly discovered gas giant was named TOI-2109b, and the thing that makes it so special is the fact it takes just 16 hours to circle its star, making this the shortest known orbit we have Read More...

NASA has mapped out a faster a

NASA has mapped out a faster and cheaper route to the moon

It took Apollo 11 just over two days to reach the moon in 1969, but for non-manned missions, the voyage can take up to a year. Now, thanks to a new route designed by NASA, there is a faster and cheaper way to reach lunar orbit.  Designed by NASA's upcoming Dark Ages Polarimeter Pathfinder Read More...