Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

smoked salmon on bagel

Spirulina-based smoked salmon looks feels and tastes like the real deal

Do you love smoked salmon but have qualms with the netting of wild fish or the questionable practices of fish farming? Well, soon, you won’t have to compromise your environmental and ethical values to satisfy your smoked salmon craving. Israeli startup SimpliiGood and IFF-Dupont are working on Read More...

Blue Ful carbonated drink made from spirulina blue-green algae

This tasty blue soda has no food coloring and captures CO2

We’ve previously talked about the benefits of spirulina. Considered a superfood, blue-green algae have been touted for its high nutritional value. And although it has become popular as a supplement among wellness-focused people, the algae still hasn’t reached mainstream adoption.  That may Read More...

Spirulina powder in a bowl and on a spoon

7 Benefits of spirulina

You may have noticed vibrant blue beverages popping up at your favorite cafe or health food store. These treats are most likely infused with spirulina, a green-blue superfood that’s rapidly gaining popularity. But what exactly is spirulina and why is it good for you? Let’s take a look. What is Read More...

A healthy vegan drink green kale smoothie with spirulina for detox on dark background close-up.

9 vitamin K-rich foods to add to your diet

Vitamin K is not talked about as frequently as vitamin C or D, but this essential nutrient supports strong bones, helps blood clot, and protects against chronic inflammatory diseases. Vitamin K is fat-soluble and found in a number of food sources. If you’re looking to incorporate more into your Read More...

Scientists use popular supplem

Scientists use popular supplement Spirulina to purify water

Touted for its high protein count and other health benefits, Spirulina is typically used as a supplement. But researchers in Sweden have recently found a way to use the blue-green algae to remove contaminants from water and then make biofuels from what’s left after the process. For the Read More...

Treat your allergies naturally

Treat your allergies naturally with these alternatives

If your throat feels itchy, your nose is constantly runny, and your eyes are full of water, you may very well be going through the effects of an allergy. And while your usual reaction might be to head to the local pharmacy and pick up the first medication to counteract these uncomfortable effects, Read More...

Spirulina: 11 health benefits

Spirulina: 11 health benefits and nutrition

Spirulina has a high protein and vitamin content, which makes it an excellent dietary supplement for people on vegetarian or vegan diets. Research suggests that spirulina has antioxidant and inflammation-fighting properties, as well as the ability to help regulate the immune Read More...