Today’s Solutions: February 14, 2025

You may not realize it, but the razors you use to shave with are made of precious metals that are necessary for avoiding rust. The problem is that without any proper way of recycling these metals, people have been tossing them in landfills for as long as razors have been around, which is a disaster for the environment.

To solve this problem, Gillette, the biggest shaving company in the world, has created a new program that allows anyone in the US to send in old razors, blades, and even packaging—from any brand—for recycling. With these old razors, Gillette intends to sterilize, shred, and recycle them into products like bike racks, park benches, and pet food bowls.

The program also offers bins to gyms and other businesses that want to serve as drop-off points in neighborhoods, collecting old razors and packaging until the bins are full and can be returned via UPS (for this option, Gillette covers the costs of shipping). Customers who use Gillette’s subscription service can also now return old razors through their subscription box.

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